April 7, 2023


YLC's Recent Lawsuit Featured in Sac Bee Article

YLC’s recent lawsuit against a newly formed organization in California called the County Probation Consortium Partnering for Youth Realignment that is conducting juvenile justice planning in violation of state law is featured in the new article California is phasing out its youth prisons. Is a ‘shadow’ justice system emerging? in the Sac Bee. The suit, filed on behalf of California Alliance for Youth & Community Justice, an organization of directly impacted youth and families, is asking the court to stop the organization’s secret data collection and closed-door planning and decision making, and force them to comply with CA’s public meetings and records laws. These laws ensure that youth and the community are able to actively participate in planning and decisions that deeply impacts them, something the Consortium is preventing from occurring. Click here to read the full article from the Sac Bee and click here to learn more about YLC’s lawsuit.