April 1, 2020

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YLC's Emergency Planning Toolkit for Youth in Congregate Care

Youth Law Center has developed an emergency planning resource to support attorneys and advocates working with youth in congregate care.  As you know more than anyone, youth in congregate care facilities face acute risks in a public health emergency.  Meanwhile, the state licensing agencies that are tasked with monitoring the safety and wellbeing of young people in group care are facing incredible strain as they respond to the public health needs of all licensed facilities.  Advocates have an important role to play in monitoring facility conditions and expediting transitions out of group care whenever necessary to meet the individualized needs of young people.

The toolkit, Making An Emergency Plan with Youth in Congregate Care in California: A Checklist for Dependency Attorneys, Youth Providers, and Advocates, is posted on the YLC website, and we’ll be making updates to reflect new laws, guidance, and resources.  Please share this resource with your colleagues and anyone else that you think could use this resource.  If you would like to adapt the toolkit to your state or county, please email Sabrina Forte at sforte@ylc.org for a template designed for adaptation.

Please let us know of anything that we should include in a future version of the toolkit, or if there is anything else YLC may be able to do to support your advocacy in the coming months.