March 21, 2020


YLC’s Emergency Planning Tool for Youth and Families

YLC has created an emergency planning resource to support attorneys and advocates working with transition age youth and their families during this crisis. The resource, Making An Emergency Plan with Transition Age Youth in Foster Care: A Checklist for Dependency Attorneys, Youth Providers, and Advocates, can be found online here, and we’ll be making updates as things inevitably change. The resource focuses on planning with TAY in foster care, but much of the content applies more broadly to all young people and their families.  We hope that this resource can provide an initial set of topics to cover with clients, as well as useful resources for specific issue areas.  Some of our partners have already adapted the document to their specific jurisdiction.

Please share this resource with your colleagues and anyone else that you think could use this resource.  Additionally, please let us know of anything that we should include in a future version of the resource, or if there is anything else YLC may be able to do to support you in the coming months.

Click here to view the emergency planning resource.