March 23, 2020

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YLC's advocacy for children during COVID-19

Dear friends,

Overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live. For children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems, and their families, these changes are potentially devastating. Children who have already experienced the world as a lonely and dangerous place face more challenges when they are isolated from family and community. Systems under strain may take steps that endanger children physically as well as emotionally. Now, more than ever, the Youth Law Center’s voice and values, supporting excellent parenting for every child every day, must be heard. 

To address the fallout from the pandemic and ensure that these most vulnerable children and youth are not forgotten, YLC is:

  1. Ensuring critical health, safety and well-being protections are preserved for children in both foster care and juvenile justice during this crisis even as policies and practices change.
  2. Ensuring that children maintain and even increase connections and contacts with parents, siblings, and family members using new methods and technologies now when they most need them.
  3. Ensuring that children and youth can continue their K-12 and postsecondary education and not fall behind as schools close.
  4. Ensuring that children and youth are with families who can support them emotionally rather than being warehoused in institutions which are short of trained staff and pose health risks.
  5. Ensuring that older youth are not forced into homelessness during this dangerous time.
  6. Supporting families with the information, support and tools they need to care for children and youth effectively during this crisis.

Please join our efforts to ensure these children and youth are cared for in this crisis. Your donation to YLC guarantees that our most vulnerable children will not be forgotten.

In community,

Jennifer Rodriguez
Executive Director, YLC

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