May 17, 2019


YLC working on costs concerns related to CA Senate Bill 716

Youth Law Center has been working closely with Democratic State Senator Holly Mitchell’s office, the University of California Office of the President, and the California State University Office of the Chancellor to address concerns the UCs and CSUs had about implementation costs associated with California Senate Bill 716 (Mitchell) should it become law. The bill, in its original form, would require county juvenile probation departments and the state Division of Juvenile Justice to collaborate with the UCs, CSUs, and community colleges to provide post-secondary education opportunities to youth in custody who have their high school diploma or equivalency. As a result of conversations, we have reached an agreement to amend the bill to require online postsecondary education opportunities for these youth and to encourage courses onsite at the facilities but also opportunities for youth in custody to take classes on campus when possible. Amendments to the bill based on this agreement helped reduce costs associated with the bill and got the bill out of the Senate Appropriations Committee suspense file on May 16, 2019. The bill now has two Republican co-authors and strong bipartisan support as it moves to the Senate floor for a vote.