September 9, 2021


YLC Supporting Legislation That Will Extend Access to Chafee Services Until Age 27

“The pandemic has intensified every inequity for youth exiting foster care to crisis levels — homelessness, unemployment, physical and mental health crises and poverty. Far too many youth have not yet received the assistance they desperately need from The Supporting Foster Youth and Families Act through the Pandemic Act,” said Jennifer Rodriguez, the Executive Director of the Youth Law Center. “We owe youth who are struggling alone with the devastating impacts of the pandemic more time to get the assistance they were promised.”
Please join YLC in supporting this Important federal legislation that will allow youth to access Chafee services until age 27, extend the moratorium on ‘aging out’ of foster care, and enable youth who left care during the pandemic to re-enter care. It will also ensure that any direct financial assistance received through the Chafee program cannot be used to determine eligibility for other federal benefits. Read the full press release here.