March 10, 2021


YLC sponsoring AB 103 - Dual Enrollment for Court School Students

YLC is proud to sponsor AB 103 (Holden), which will clarify the law to improve access to dual enrollment classes for youth in court and alternative schools. Current law is unclear as to whether County Offices of Education, which run court schools, can participate in College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) dual enrollment partnerships. AB 103 will explicitly authorize their participation.
Youth in the juvenile justice system face challenges on their journey to postsecondary education; the quality of education available in court and alternative schools varies widely, and youth are often behind in credits when they enter these schools. Youth in the juvenile justice system desire to enroll in postsecondary education, but lack information on how to do so. Dual enrollment programs can address all of these potential barriers. Dual enrollment offers youth the opportunity to recover credits, receive college-preparatory instruction, build relationships with college professors and staff, and gain exposure to the college environment.
Youth Law Center looks forward to working with the legislature to ensure that dual enrollment opportunities are available to youth in the juvenile justice system. Read the AB 103 fact sheet here.