YLC Presents at Camp Sweeney
On August 20, 2012, YLC Staff Attorney Sue Burrell, and Summer Intern Rebekah DeHaven presented a “Know Your Rights” workshop to some 50 young men at Alameda County’s Camp Wilmot Sweeney. Youth are committed to the camp from juvenile court and the normal commitment length is six months. Most of the youth are 16 or 17 years old. As they progress toward release back to the community it becomes important for them to have knowledge about the impact of juvenile court wardship on many aspects of their lives. Sue and Rebecca spoke with them about potential future barriers they may encounter in pursuing their education and employment, as well as other collateral consequences, and what they can do to work through those barriers. The young men asked questions about what could happen to them if they are later tried as adults, and about how to handle interactions with law enforcement. YLC and staff at the camp agreed that many youth lack basic information about these issues, and that this kind of presentation should be regularly provided.