July 7, 2020


Upcoming QPI Resource Series

QPI’s 8-week series COVID-19: The New Normal came to a close at the end of May but thanks to the positive feedback we received from the over 7,000 participants, we have decided to continue the momentum with QPI: The New Normal, a QPI-based resource series that will include biweekly round-up emails and monthly webcasts. Our first 75-minute monthly webcast will be “Affirming and Nurturing Racial Identity and Equality in Children,” scheduled for Tuesday, July 14th at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET. This webcast will explore the developmental research, messages and actions that caregivers may adopt to promote equality and justice as core values for children. Specific guidelines will be addressed for creating an environment where children learn to value diversity and resist prejudice and discrimination. Click here to register for the webinar.