October 18, 2012


Supporting Young Adults Training

The Youth Law Center, the Alliance for Children’s Rights, and Bay Area Legal Aid will be providing training on Supporting Young Adults at the Traveling Training sponsored by the Legal Aid Association of California on November 2, 2012 in Riverside.

Title:  Supporting Young Adults: Cash, Medi-Cal, and Housing for Transition Age Youth

Name of Trainers:  Brian Blalock, Bay Area Legal Aid; Alice Bussiere, Youth Law Center; Angie Schwartz, Alliance for Children’s Rights

Substantive Legal Issue:  Many young adults who have been in out of home placement through the child welfare or juvenile justice system are eligible for assistance to help them succeed. These programs include: transitional Medi-Cal, transitional housing through THPP and THP-Plus, education assistance, and AB 12 extended cash benefits through the AFDC-FC (foster care), Kin-GAP, or Adoption Assistance Program. These benefits can help youth complete high school, participate in college or other post-secondary education program, and gain a foothold in employment. This session will review the basic eligibly criteria for each program, compare these programs to other benefit programs for young adults (e.g., General Assistance and CalWORKs), and engage participants in a discussion of case examples illustrating how these programs can help struggling transition age youth. Presenters will also suggest ways that legal services advocates can work with juvenile court attorneys to ensure that young people receive the support they need.