Juvenile Justice

216 Results Found

Complaint: Disability Rights Tennessee, Sanford Heisler Sharp, and the Youth Law Center File Lawsuit Against Tennessee f...

Attorneys from Disability Rights Tennessee, Sanford Heisler Sharp, and the Youth Law Center filed a...


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Sample Voting Policy for Juvenile Facilities (Elevating the Voting Rights of Youth Report, Appendix A)

This policy affirms the requirement to provide eligible youth the opportunity to register and to...


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Important Updates on FYI

This fact sheet provides an update for child welfare agencies and juvenile probation departments about...

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FYI Vouchers: The Role of Public Housing Authorities

This fact sheet describes how Public Housing Authorities can partner with child welfare and juvenile...

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FYI Vouchers: The Role of Judges

This fact sheet describes how judges can help ensure that young people are connected with...

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FYI Vouchers: The Role of Advocates

This fact sheet describes how advocates can assist young people in accessing an FYI or...

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FYI Vouchers: The Role of Young People

This fact sheet describes how young people can get assistance and access to FYI vouchers....

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FYI Vouchers: The Role of Landlords

This fact sheet explains how landlords can work with stakeholders to provide housing units to...

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FYI National Toolkit

This toolkit contains fact sheets for the following stakeholders: young people, public housing authorities, public...

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Important Updates on FYI

This fact sheet provides an update for child welfare agencies and juvenile probation departments about...

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FYI Vouchers in California: The Role of Public Housing Authorities

This fact sheet describes how Public Housing Authorities in California can partner with child welfare...

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FYI Vouchers in California: The Role of Judges

This fact sheet describes how judges can help ensure that young people are connected with...

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FYI Vouchers in California: The Role of Advocates

This fact sheet describes how advocates in California can assist young people in accessing an...

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FYI Vouchers in California: The Role of Landlords

This fact sheet explains how landlords in California can work with stakeholders to provide housing...

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Elevating the Voting Rights of Youth: How California Can Ensure Voting Access in County Juvenile Facilities

Due to recent, sweeping changes to California’s juvenile justice system, the number of voting-age youth...

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SPOTLIGHT: Public Benefits for Court-Involved Youth FAQ

This frequently-asked-questions resource covers the financial benefits and options available to youth and families impacted...

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Voting Rights of System-Impacted Youth

This flier provides helpful voting rights information for system-impacted youth with a particular focus on...

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Out of Sight, Out of Mind: How California’s Education Data and Accountability Systems Fail Youth in Juvenile Court Sch...

This report analyzes available data – collected through DataQuest, Ed Data, and public records act...

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California Bench Card: Ensuring Normalcy and Well-Being Through Participation in Enrichment Activities

Research has conclusively demonstrated that court-involved children and adolescents present with extremely high rates of...

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OYCR Ombuds Factsheet for Juvenile Defenders

The OYCR Ombudsperson is a new resource for youth in the juvenile justice system. The...

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Fact Sheet: Transition Jurisdiction

This fact sheet, updated in 2023, outlines California law related to transition jurisdiction in juvenile...

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Training on OYCR Ombudsperson

This training describes the role and authority of the newly created office of the Ombudsperson...


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Unusual Circumstances Override

This resource provides guidance on how to assist youth who cannot obtain parental information to...

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Youth Law Center Housing Resources (2020-present)

Homelessness and housing/placement instability for current foster youth, youth in extended foster care and former...

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Fact Sheet: Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus)

Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) is a transitional housing program designed to provide housing and supportive...

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Policy Alert: THP-Plus Program Expansion: A Resource for Current and Former Foster Youth in California

The Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) is a transitional housing program that provides housing and supportive...

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An Overview of FYI/FUP Vouchers: A Resource for Current and Former Foster Youth in California

The Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative and Family Unification Program (FUP) are Housing Choice...

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Maximizing Housing Entitlements for Current and Former Foster Youth

Homelessness both during extended foster care and after leaving extended foster care are critical issues...

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Building Community Power in Youth Justice Reform – The Brown Act and Juvenile Realignment

This resource explains how public meeting laws under the Brown Act apply to local juvenile...

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YLC Policy Bulletin: Federal Financial Aid

Congress passes legislation that will make it easier for students to get financial aid! Congress has...

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Financial Aid for Juvenile Justice System-Involved Youth

This resource is meant to help youth who are about to graduate from higher school...

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CA Assembly Bill 1354 – Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides basic information about Assembly Bill 1354, signed into law in 2019 and...


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CA Senate Bill 716 – Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides basic information about Senate Bill 716, signed into law in 2019 and...


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Education Rights & Responsibilities Toolkit for Juvenile Justice System Involved Youth

This toolkit provides education-related information and resources regarding the rights of juvenile justice system involved...


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A Positive Youth Justice System

The National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (NICJR) is designing a transformed juvenile justice system...


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A.M. v. Holmes Amicus Brief

Amicus brief filed with US Supreme Court in A.M. v. Holmes, challenging the arrest of...

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SB 1143 Support Letter – Request for Signature

Letter to Governor Brown requesting his signature; a bill limiting use of solitary confinement for...

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In re Gault – Agenda

Agenda for August 5, 2015 ABA conference on In re Gault


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In Re Gault – Conference Flyer

Flyer for ABA Conference on "Fulfilling the Promise of Gault - Due Process and Effective...


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Juvenile Court Student Transition Statewide Work Group Report and Recommendations to the Legislature

Assembly Bill 2276 (Bocanegra, 2014) required a statewide work group to study successful transition programs...


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Shackling Juvenile in Transportation: Hobbling Fairness

Blog written by YLC Staff Attorney Sue Burrell regarding practice of shackling youth being transferred...


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Locked Up and Alone

Article exploring solitary confinement in juvenile facilities against the backdrop of SB 124 (Leno), currently...

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Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court – Boulders on the Road to Good Outcomes

Article by YLC staff attorney Sue Burrell focuses on the damage caused by collateral...


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CA Supreme Court Opinion in R.V.

CA Supreme Court Decision in in re R.V. - decision reversed a lower court decision...


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Letter to Santa Clara Board of Supervisors

Letter from YLC to Santa Clara Board of Supervisors opposing use of pepper spray in...

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Prison for Teen Who Lit “Agender” Youth’s Skirt on Fire Thwarts Healing

Blog, by Youth Law Center Staff Attorney Sue Burrell, for the Huffington Post, on the...

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Op-Ed: Incarcerating Disturbed Youth Is a Flawed Response

YLC staff attorney Sue Burrell, wrote an op ed piece for the CT Mirror, Incarcerating...

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SF Gate (AP).Groups Seeks Probe Into Pepper Spray Use

AP article appearing in SFGate.com on Complaint filed with DOJ over use of pepper spray...


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SD Tribune article – Pepper Spray, Searches Draw Complaint

Article in San Diego Union Tribune on Complaint filed with DOJ over Use of Pepper...


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San Diego City Beat – Civil Rights Groups Blast San Diego County Over Pepper Spray in Juvenile Halls

article in Sn Diego City Beat on DOJ complaint filed over pepper spray use in...


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San Diego Union Tribune (AP) – Groups Seek Probe Into Pepper Spray Use

Article appearing in the San Diego Union Tribune on complaint filed with DOJ by Youth...


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San Diego City Beat “Civil Rights Groups Blast San Diego County over Pepper Spray in Juvenile Halls

Article by Dave Maass and Kelly Davis on DOJ Complaint filed by Youth Law Center...


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Press Release

Press Release on DOJ Complaint Over Pepper Spray in San Diego Juvenile Halls


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DOJ Complaint

Complaint to the Department of Justice over Pepper Spray and Mistreatment of Youth in San...

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Lawmaker Modifies Sex-Assault Bill Targeting Teens

Article in SF Gate regarding modification of SB 838 by removing two year mandatory minimum...

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The Legislature’s Role in Juvenile Justice Reform: a California Example

PDF of blog by Sue Burrell written for the National Council on Crime and Delinquency's...

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The Legislature’s Role in Juvenile Justice Reform: A California Example

Blog by Sue Burrell appearing on the website of National Council of Crime & Delinquency...

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Juvenile Justice Reform: Realigning Responsibilities

Realizing the state could not afford to comply with the Farrell consent decree, in 2007,...


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Joint Informational Hearing on the California Youth Authority, May 16, 2000

In response to recent disclosures concerning the California Youth Authority, on May 16, 2000, the Senate...

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Violence-Prone Youth Authority Still Fails Its Children, Its Taxpayers – Daily Journal Forum Column

Article in the Daily Journal Forum Column about efforts to reform the California Youth Authority...

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California Juvenile Justice Reform in the 21st Century (So Far)

This 2006 presentation at the California Public Defender Association meeting in Monterey covers changes at...

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Letter to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department re Proposed Changes to Pepper Spray Regulations

This letter expresses YLC concerns regarding proposed changes to pepper spray regulations in Texas. ...

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What Caregivers Need to Know about AB 12 for Probation Involved Youth: Getting & Staying Eligible – A Power ...

This power point covers planning issues caregivers need to consider before the youth’s 18th birthday...

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What Caregivers Need to Know about AB 12 for Probation Involved Youth: Placements – Options, Limitations & Regul...

This power point covers the new foster family licensing regulations and placement options for youth...

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What Caregivers Need to Know about AB 12 for Probation Involved Youth: Transitioning to Independence – Supports a...

This power point covers the supports and other benefits available to help foster youth working...

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What Caregivers Need to Know about AB 12 for Probation Involved Youth: An Overview – A Power Point Presentation

This powerpoint provides an overview of AB 12 including eligibility, benefits, living settings, exit and...

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ACLU Sues Over Center’s “Cruel” Conditions

Rocky Mountain News article about the filing of E.R. v. McDonnell, a juvenile detention center...

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State Settles Gilliam Lawsuit

Rocky Mountain News article about the settlement in E. R. v. McDonnell, a lawsuit in...

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Judge Limits O.C.’s Use of Restraints on Youths

Orange County Register article about the results of the trial in Hollingsworth v. Orange County,...

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Judge Orders Reform at O.C. Juvenile Hall

LA Times article about the conclusion of the trial in our case, Hollingsworth v. Orange...

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Youth Prison System Sued Over Health Care

LA Times article about the filing of Morris v. Harper, a lawsuit against the California...

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Improvements Ordered in State Youth Prison Clinics

LA Times article about the Youth Law Center case, Wilber v. Warner (previously Morris v....

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Gilliam Changes Welcome, but Delay Was Unforgivable

Denver Post op ed piece about E.R v. McDonnell, a case in which the Youth...

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Gilliam Youth Center Reform Plan Hailed

Denver Post article about the settlement reached in the case, E.R. v. McDonnell, where the...

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Crimes, Dress Codes and the Schoolhouse Door

Article about what is wrong with the Oakland gang clothing policy.


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Challenging Lenthy Post-Disposition Commitments to Juvenile Halls

The purpose of this memorandum is to address ways to challenge the imposition of lengthy...

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Ricardo M. – Cases on Commitment to Juvenile Hall

Cases on commitment to juvenile hall in chronological order. Note that the statutes have...

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George T. Amicus

Amicus where George T., the teenager- in this case, was incarcerated for several months and...


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SB 81 – Ten Point Tune Up

Hand out at the DJJ Realignment Symposium on SB 81.


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SB 81 Ten Point Tune up – Power point Presentation

Power point presentation at the DJJ Realignment symposium on SB 81, realignment.


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In re Sean W. Amicus

This is an amicus to a case that presents the question whether Senate Bill 459...

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Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings – Powerpoint Presentation

Power point presentation spells out what collateral consequences are and what needs to be done.


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Summary of California Juvenile Collateral Consequences

This is a collateral consequences check list for youth who are in the juvenile justice...


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In re Greg F. Amicus

The question here is whether a juvenile court may dismiss a wardship petition in the...

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Danny O. v. Bowman Judgment

Danny O. v. Bowman was a federal class action suit on behalf of all youth...

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Difficult to Place: Summary of Findings

This is a shorter version of the original report that presents the findings of Youth...

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JJDP Powerpoint Presentation

The Juvenile Justice Data Project was started in October 2004 and ended in 2007, as...


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Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase I Summary Report

The Juvenile Justice Data Project (JJDP) released the results of the first ever statewide survey...


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Juvenile Justice Data Project, Phase 1 County by County Appendix

The Juvenile Justice Data Project (JJDP) released the results of the first ever statewide survey...


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Juvenile Justice Data Project Phase 1: Survey of Interventions and Programs

The Juvenile Justice Data Project (JJDP) released the results of the first ever statewide survey...


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The Dangers of Detention – PowerPoint Presentation

This powerpoint presentation highlights the negative impact of detention.

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Protocol for Competence in California Juvenile Justice Proceedings Revised

This protocol is a guide for handling cases involving potential competence issues juvenile court.


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Sacramento Valley Mirror’s Sex, Drugs and Violence in Tehama Juvenile Hall

YLC Attorney Sue Burrell was interviewed for this four part Sacramento Valley Mirror series...

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Probation Provisions in California’s Fostering Connections to Success Act – Powerpoint Presentation

On August 30, 2011, Jennifer Rodriguez and Maria Ramiu presented a webinar on “Probation Provisions...

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Nick O. v. Terhune Stipulation and Order

Nick O. v. Terhune was a federal class action challenging the failure of the defendants...

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Willie M. v. Hunt Judgment and Order

Willie M. v. Hunt was a federal civil rights lawsuit that challenged the state's failure...

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Willie M. v. Hunt Complaint

Willie M. v. Hunt was a federal civil rights lawsuit that challenged the state's failure...

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Tommy P.v. Board of County Commissioners Memorandum and Judgment

Tommy P. v. Board of County Commissioners was a state court action to insure that...

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Tommy P. v. Board of Commissioners First Amended Complaint

Tommy P. v. Board of County Commissioners was a state court action to insure that...

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Steven L. v. Kern County Settlement Agreement

Steven L. v. Kern County challenged the policies at the Kern County Juvenile Hall and...

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Steven L. v. Kern County First Amended Complaint

Steven L. v. Kern County challenged the policies at the Kern County Juvenile Hall and...

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Shaw v. San Francisco Settlement Agreement

Shaw v. San Francisco challenged various illegal policies, practices and conditions of confinement at the...

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Shaw v. San Francisco Complaint

Shaw v. San Francisco challenged various illegal policies, practices and conditions of confinement at the...

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Robert K. v. Bell Consent Order

Robert K. v. Bell was a federal class action brought by nine children who were...

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S.H. v. Reed Stipulation, Injunction and Order re Use of Force

S.H. v. Reed is a federal civil rights class action on behalf of all juveniles...

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S.H. v. Reed Temporary Restraining Order

S.H. v. Reed is a federal civil rights class action on behalf of all juveniles...

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S.H. v. Reed Stipulation for Injunctive Relief

S.H. v. Reed is a federal civil rights class action on behalf of all juveniles...

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S.H. v. Reed Second Amended Complaint

S.H. v. Reed is a federal civil rights class action on behalf of all juveniles...

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L.H. v. Brown Stipulated Order for Permanent Injunctive Relief

L.H. v. Brown is a federal class action lawsuit filed in September 2006 in the...

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L.H. v. Brown Order

L.H. v. Brown is a federal class action lawsuit filed in September 2006 in the...

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L.H. v. Brown Complaint

L.H. v. Brown is a federal class action lawsuit filed in September 2006 in the...

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Nick O. v. Terhune Complaint

Nick O. v. Terhune was a federal class action challenging the failure of the defendants...

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Johnnie K. v. Crist Stipulation and Order

Johnnie K. v. Crist was a civil rights action brought by juveniles confined in the...

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Johnnie K. v. Crist Complaint

Johnnie K. v. Crist was a civil rights action brought by juveniles confined in the...

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Jane G. v. Solano County Settlement Agreement and Order

Jane G. v. Solano County was filed on behalf of a 17-year-old girl who was...

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Jane G. v. Solano County Complaint

Jane G. v. Solano County was filed on behalf of a 17-year-old girl who was...

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Hollingsworth v. Orange County Statement of Decision and Judgment

Hollingsworth v. Orange County was a conditions of confinement case filed in state court. The...

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Hollingsworth v. Orange County Third Amended Complaint

Hollingsworth v. Orange County was a conditions of confinement case filed in state court. The...

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Gary H. v. Hegstrom Final Decree and Judgement

Gary H. v. Hegstrom challenged the conditions of confinement and adequacy of treatment programs for...

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Gary H. v. Hegstrom Second Amended Complaint

Gary H. v. Hegstrom challenged the conditions of confinement and adequacy of treatment programs for...

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G.C. v. Coler Settlement Agreement

G.C. v. Coler was a federal, class action lawsuit brought on behalf of children confined...

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G.C. v. Coler Second Amended Complaint

G.C. v. Coler was a federal, class action lawsuit brought on behalf of children confined...

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E.R. v. McDonnell Settlement Agreement and Order

E.R. v. McDonnell, was filed in December 1995, on behalf of two children confined in...

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E.R. v. McDonnell First Amended Complaint

E.R. v. McDonnell, was filed in December 1995, on behalf of two children confined in...

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Doe v. Younger Settlement Agreement

Doe v. Younger challenged the conditions of confinement for juveniles at the Kenton County Detention...

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Doe v. Younger Amended Complaint

Doe v. Younger challenged the conditions of confinement for juveniles at the Kenton County Detention...

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Doe v. Foti Consent Decree

Doe v. Foti was a civil rights class action challenging conditions of confinement for juveniles...

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Doe v. Foti Complaint

Doe v. Foti was a civil rights class action challenging conditions of confinement for juveniles...

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Danny O. v. Bowman Complaint

Danny O. v. Bowman was a federal class action suit on behalf of all youth...

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D.J.R. v. Christean Consent Decree

D.J.R. v. Christean was a federal civil rights class action which challenged the use of...

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Clarence M. v. Yakima Parital Consent Judgment

Clarence M. v. Yakima was a civil rights action for declaratory judgment, permanent injunction, damages...

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Clarence M. v. Yakima Amended Complaint

Clarence M. v. Yakima was a civil rights action for declaratory judgment, permanent injunction, damages...

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Christina A. v. Bloomberg Settlement Agreement

Christina A. v. Bloomberg challenged the conditions of confinement at the South Dakota State Training...

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Christina A. v. Bloomberg Complaint

Christina A. v. Bloomberg challenged the conditions of confinement at the South Dakota State Training...

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Bobby M. v. Martinez Consent Decreee

Bobby M. v. Martinez, a federal class action, was brought on behalf of the 1,000...

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Bobby M. v. Martinez Second Amended Complaint

Bobby M. v. Martinez, a federal class action, was brought on behalf of the 1,000...

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ACLU-NM v. New Mexico CYFD 2010 Complaint

Since 2002, YLC staff has worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico...

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ACLU-NM v. New Mexico CYFD Final Agreement

Since 2002, YLC staff has worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico...

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ACLU-NM v. New Mexico CYFD Settlement Press Release 2009

Since 2002, YLC staff has worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico...

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ACLU-NM v. New Mexico CYFD Appendix to 2006 Agreement

Since 2002, YLC staff has worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico...

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ACLU-NM v. New Mexico CYFD 2006 Agreement

Since 2002, YLC staff has worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico...

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Anthony C. v. Pima County Stipulation and Agreement

Anthony C. v. Pima County was filed in 1982 to challenge a number of practices...

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Working Together: Building Local Monitoring Capacity for Juvenile Detention Centers

This report describes a project undertaken when the California Legislature defunded state inspections of juvenile...

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Anthony C. v. Pima County Complaint

Anthony C. v. Pima County was filed in 1982 to challenge a number of practices...

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Aguilar v. Mitchell Complaint

Aguilar v. Mitchell was a federal court action involving conditions of confinement of children in...

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ACLU NM v. NMCYFD 2007 Complaint

Since 2002, YLC staff has worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico...

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Safford v. Redding Amicus

The Youth Law Center participated in this case as amicus curiae in a brief on...

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DJJ’s Implementation of AB 1628 Transferring Post-Release Supervision to County Probation

This memo summarizes a presentation at a public meeting of the Juvenile Parole Board (JPB)...

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Youth Law Center Analysis of DJJ Parole Realignment to the Counties

On October 19, 2010, the Public Safety budget trailer bill, A.B. 1628, was signed into...

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Energy Efficient Strategies for Defenders to Improve Conditions for Clents in Custody

This is a short discussion of strategies defenders may use to address individual client situations...

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Incompetent Youth in California Juvenile Justice

This article offers a vehicle for discussion of California juvenile incompetence to stand trial.  It...

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Difficult to Place: Youth with Mental Health Needs in California Juvenile Justice

This report presents the findings of Youth Law Center's research into placement issues for juvenile...

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The Human Impact of Crowding in Juvenile Detention

This article explores the human impact of crowding as actually observed in detention centers around...

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Gang Evidence: Issues for Criminal Defense

This extensive article covers issues such as gangs in a societal context, the difficulty in...

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