Published On: September 1, 2014
Categories "Know your rights", AB 12, AB 12, Access to care/EPSDT, Alternatives to incarceration/JDAI, Congregate care, Foster care, Independent Living/Transition, Inmate Exclusion, Kinship/guardianship, Legal Rights/Placement, Mental Health Services Act, Permanency planning, Placement delay, Relatives/kinship care, Specific Services, SSI/Social Security, Title IV-E funding, Transitional Medicaid
This booklet, based on California law, covers some of the concerns of a youth in out-of-home care, including types of placements, guardianship, independent living, role of the courts, visitation, confidentiality, pregnancy, money, religion, driving, emancipation and rights and responsibilities of youth in out-of-home care, group or foster homes
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