Seven Strategies Counties Can Implement to Ensure Housing Stability and Maximize Participation in THP-Plus During COVID-19

Published On: August 24, 2020

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Did you know that the California state budget recently made changes to the eligibility requirements for THP-Plus? THP-Plus is a transitional housing program for young adults who have exited foster care, but it is time-limited. Recognizing that the normal time limitations were putting former foster youth at risk of homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis, the state budget gave counties the option to keep THP-Plus participants in their programs until June 30, 2021, even if they reach the maximum age or duration. Learn more about this emergency extension and other strategies to prevent homelessness among former foster youth in our updated resource, Seven Strategies Counties Can Implement to Ensure Housing Stability and Maximize Participation in Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) During COVID-19. Many thanks to our partners at John Burton Advocates for Youth and Bay Area Legal Aid for co-authoring this resource.

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