Published On: September 25, 2024
Categories AB 12, AB 12, AB 12 Probation, Aging Out/Transition, Child Welfare, Education, Foster care, Foster Care Benefits, Health, Independent Living/Transition, Juvenile Justice, Legal Representation, Practice standards/guides, Public Benefits/Funding
In California, outside of juvenile dependency and delinquency representation, there are few civil legal aid offices devoted to representing transition-aged youth (ages 16-26). However, many of these youth have civil legal needs that dependency attorneys and juvenile defenders are not trained to address and for which they do not have capacity. This resource spotlights opportunities for partnerships and collaboration between juvenile court attorneys and civil legal aid attorneys to support transition-aged youth clients who are impacted by the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. These tips highlight the importance of high-quality youth-directed representation and meeting the various civil legal needs of youth and families involved with juvenile court systems to support long-term well-being.
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