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687 Results Found

Fresno County Standing Order Auhorizing Sharing of Information With School Personnel

This Standing Order addresses the exchange of information between the Fresno County Department of Children...

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Color of Justice: An Analysis of Juvenile Adult Court Transfers in California

This study shows that African American, Latino, and Asian American youth in California are significantly...


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And Justice for Some: Differential Treatment of Minority Youth in the Juvenile Justice System

This report shows that youth of color are over represented at each point in the...


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OFF BALANCE: Youth, Race & Crime in the News

The authors in this study examined more than 70 content analyses of newspaper and television...


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Tale of Two Jurisdictions: Youth Crime and Detention Rates in Maryland and the District of Columbia

The report looks at youth crime and detention rates during the 1990's in the District...


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Public Opinion on Youth, Crime and Race: A Guide for Advocates

This resource for youth advocates summarizes the public opinion research on youth and juvenile justice...


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¿Dónde Está La Justicia? A Call to Action on Behalf of Latino and Latina Youth in the U.S. Justice System

This report is the most comprehensive report ever released about Latino and Latina youth in...


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Unintended Consequences: The Impact of ‘Zero Tolerance’ and Other Exclusionary Policies on Kentucky Students

This report found that Kentucky's African-American youth are suspended from many schools at rates far...

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