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687 Results Found

County Responses to Public Records Act Request re Alta California Regional Center’s Juvenile Clients

County responses to the Public Records Act request for copies of all public records, including...


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Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings – Powerpoint Presentation

Power point presentation spells out what collateral consequences are and what needs to be done.


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Ineffective Assistance of Counsel: Systemic Causes, Systemic Solutions – Powerpoint Presentation

This power point presentation looks at the characteristics of delinquency system and delinquency attorneys in...


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Child Welfare Realignment Principles

List of four child welfare realignment principles as outlined by the Youth Law Center.


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Letter to State Superintendent Addressing the Excessive and Disproportionate Use of Suspension and Expulsion

Letter to the State Superintendent from 12 advocacy organizations asking him to address the problem...


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Summary of California Juvenile Collateral Consequences

This is a collateral consequences check list for youth who are in the juvenile justice...


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Youth Participation in Court Hearings

In recent years, courts and child welfare systems around the country have recognized the importance...

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In re Greg F. Amicus

The question here is whether a juvenile court may dismiss a wardship petition in the...

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PRA Request to California Department of Developmental Services

Public Records Act Request for information about children under the juvenile court jurisdiction with developmental...

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Danny O. v. Bowman Judgment

Danny O. v. Bowman was a federal class action suit on behalf of all youth...

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Jones-Mason v. Anderson Stipulation to Stay Proceedings

Jones-Mason v. Anderson was filed in December 1996 against the State Department of Social Services...


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