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687 Results Found

Advocates letter to CDHSC re former foster youth and IAP 24 Month Roadmap

Letter from children's advocacy coalition to CDHCS regarding problems enrolling former foster youth in Medi-Cal...


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Public Comments from Youth Advocates on DHHS ORR PREA Commnets

Public Comments from Youth Advocates on Department of Health and Human Services' Interim Final Rule...

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Senate panel examines why California foster system addicted to psychiatric drugs

Article about February 24, 2015 hearing before the Human Services Committee about the over-use of...

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I want to be there when he graduates: Foster parents show higher levels of commitment than group care providers

YLC co-authored this study which showed greater commitment of foster parents to children than group...

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Brief of Amici Curiae Youth Law Center and Public Counsel Law Center

Amicus Brief of Youth Law Center and Public Counsel in the Matter of Christian H.,...


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Motion to Enforce Settlement

Motion to Enforce Settlement and Memorandum in Support of Motion to Enforce Settlement of Class...


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Press Release

Press Release on Motion to Enforce Settlement Agreement in Flores v. Johnson


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