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687 Results Found

School to Nowhere – Web Resources

This provides a list of websites related to discipline, zero tolerance and other related issues.


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Final Template for School Board Hearing Request- COE – SB 1111

This is a template for a letter that advocates and community stakeholders can send...


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Final Template for School Board Hearing Request – SB 1111

This is template for a letter that advocates and community stakeholders can send to local...


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Sample Public Records Request – SB 1111

This is a sample Public Records Act request that advocates can send to County Offices...


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Education Web Resources

This handout lists various links to resources on the internet related to the educational rights...


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The Need for Transition Services for California’s Juvenile Justice Youth (Fact Sheet)

This fact sheet provides data and research references concerning the need for formalized transition plans...


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“Reenrollment of Juvenile Justice Fact Sheet”

This fact sheet provides relevant data concerning the re-enrollment of juvenile justice into regular schools...


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“Breaking Developments in CA School Discipline & Juvenile Justice”

This power point was presented at the LAAC Traveling Training on November 2, 2012 in...


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Letter “Sign AB 420 to Support Civil Rights” (August 15, 2013)

This is a letter submitted to Governor Brown urging him to sign AB 420, a...


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What Sacramento is Saying About School Discipline

This power point was presented to school district personnel attending the California Endowment's "Central...


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Exclusion and Push-Out Power Point

This is a power point that addresses issues related to the disproportionate impact of discipline...


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School to Nowhere – Web Resources

This provides a list of websites related to school discipline, zero tolerance and other related...


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