December 7, 2023

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Watch Our "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" Education Report Webinar Recap

Youth Law Center

We’ve had a full week here at Youth Law Center and are grateful to you for your engagement and support, enabling our fight for the rights of children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems across the country.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind  Webinar Recap

We hosted a webinar for our Out of Sight, Out of Mind report on Wednesday, November 29. Youth Law Center’s Equal Justice Works Fellow Christopher Middleton began the webinar with a presentation of highlights from the report, examining how California’s education data and accountability systems fail youth in juvenile court schools.

The webinar ended with a robust discussion between MJ Hart, Youth Law Center’s Pathways to Higher Education Project Coordinator, and current Youth Law Center student leaders Miguel Angel Luevano and Yefrymata Samael, all of whom have lived experience in the juvenile justice system, that focused on how critical it is to support post-secondary access and engagement for students in court schools, and how that may be the most powerful way to improve access to these students’ future opportunities.

While the current data is very unclear as to what is happening in court schools to ensure we are leveraging education as an important intervention for justice-impacted students, what is crystal clear is these students have the desire and potential to succeed academically and have so much to contribute to our communities. It’s time California’s education and juvenile justice data collection ensures that we live up to our responsibility to help these students so they can do just that.

If you were not able to join the webinar or if you would like a refresher, click here to watch now.

You’re Invited: QPI’s Elevate & Celebrate Event on Thursday, December 14, at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET

Join Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) for our end-of-year appreciation and recognition event, Elevate and Celebrate! QPI sites nominate individuals who have worked tirelessly throughout the year to ensure children’s relationships are prioritized. Click here to register for the event!

Thank you from the Youth Law Center for an incredible #GivingTuesday! 

If you donated to Youth Law Center on #GivingTuesday, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks and reminder that each donation goes directly to helping the Youth Law Center provide hope and opportunity to young people who often have no hope.

Since 1978, Youth Law Center in San Francisco has been using the law as a tool to fight for the rights of children and youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems across the country. For the past 45 years, we have won important victories for young people in these systems. At the same time, we work with young people, families, and those closest to them to build positive child- and youth-focused systems based on essential needs and developmental science. Your donations enable our work to bring about change, and secure opportunities and resources for children and youth in foster care and juvenile justice systems to thrive.

If you haven’t already donated, please click here to do so, and if you have, we hope you’ll consider sharing this link with someone in your network so they can donate, too.