February 2, 2024

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On the Threshold of Change: Virtual Conversation Recording Now Available

On the Threshold of Change: Virtual Conversation


Thank you to everyone who joined us for the riveting virtual conversation yesterday about the new On the Threshold of Change report that highlights future forces that could, if we take action, transform extended foster care so that young people enter adulthood with the support and resources they need to thrive.
If you would like to revisit the event, or if you were not able to join us, the full recording of the conversation is now available on our website here: ylc.org/on-the-threshold-of-change.


We have also included links to the information referenced during the conversation here: ylc.org/on-the-threshold-of-change-webinar-resources.
Click here to read Bay City News reporter Kiley Russell’s article about the virtual conversation which was picked up by SFGate.
Finally, we wanted to share this awesome quote from someone who joined the virtual event:
“In hindsight, it seems that our perspective on age hindered the effectiveness of Extended Foster Care. What I like about this report is that to provide adequate care, we need to address, be aware, and design with this understanding of the broader societal forces. In this regard, transforming Extended Foster Care into Transitional Care is a valuable reimagining. This approach not only helps young people transition into adulthood but also empowers them to build family wealth and legacy.”
With our collective commitment and voices, we can and we will persuade policy and decision makers that they have the opportunity to take action today to shape the transformational forces outlined in the report that could ensure youth are prepared to thrive in 2035!