On the Threshold of Change


About the On the Threshold of Change Report
As youth grapple with so many new crises in our current world, how may we harness strategic foresight to create better and more hopeful outcomes for young adults exiting foster care so they can not just survive, but thrive, by 2035? The pandemic, climate crises, new advances in technology, and changes in the economy have changed the trajectory of youth’s lives, and it is urgent that we change the systems that are responsible for youth in response.
Funded by Tipping Point Community, On the Threshold of Change is the first-ever report to use strategic foresight to develop a vision in response to the future forces that will dramatically change the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people who will experience foster care over the next decade as they make the difficult transition to adulthood in a rapidly changing world. This report is based on 1) over a decade of research on the outcomes of youth after new federal funds were made available in 2008 to extend foster care to age 21; 2) the wisdom of youth who have experienced the transition from foster care to adulthood; and, 3) the insight of experts in fields such as futurism, youth development, technology, the economy, climate change, and the role of family.


Read the On the Threshold of Change Report
Read the On the Threshold of Change Executive Summary
Watch the On the Threshold of Change companion film:

Watch the On the Threshold of Change virtual conversation:

Click here to access the resources mentioned in the virtual conversation.

Links to Additional Resources:
Extended Foster Care – Issue Summary
Extended Foster Care Background and Reference Information


Media Inquiries:
Click here if you are a member of the media interested in learning more about the report and Extended Foster Care.

In the Press:
National Press Foundation: Policies Steer Foster Care Youth Toward a Traumatic Future, Youth Law Center Director Says

SF Gate
: “Experts Discuss Future of Foster Care System In Webinar, New Report”

Washington Post:
Opinion l When foster care ends, 18-year-olds still need support


On the Threshold of Change Acknowledgements:
Institute for the Future, Youth Law Center, and California Youth Connection would like to thank the individuals with lived experience in foster care, thought leaders, activists, change-makers, and academic researchers who generously shared their insights with us. This report was made possible by the generous support of Tipping Point Community.