Youth Law Center News and Events

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June 5, 2008

Sacramento Bee Article re L.H. Settlement

California Settlement Extends Adult Parollee Rights to Juvenile Offenders By Andy Furillo  |  Sacramento Bee  — Inmates rights lawyers and...

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June 5, 2008

Prompt Juvenile Parolee Hearings to Be Held

By Bob Egelko  |  San Francisco Chronicle  —  The state agreed Wednesday to hold prompt hearings and protect the...

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June 5, 2008


LA Times Article re L.H. Settlement

State OKs Changes for Juvenile Parole Violators -Settlement Promises Attorneys and Timely Hearings for Youths By...

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June 4, 2008

L.H. v. Schwarzenegger Settles

A settlement was reached on June 4, 2008, between the California Division of Juvenile Justice...

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June 4, 2008


Press Release re L.H. v. Schwarzenegger Settlement

Settlement Announced by Division of Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Parolees in Lawsuit over Lack of...

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June 4, 2008

California Settles Lawsuit Over Young Parolees’ Rights

By Don Thompson  |  AP National Story  —  SACRAMENTO, Calif.—California announced the settlement of a federal lawsuit Wednesday that...

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May 23, 2008


Carole Shauffer on NPR

Carole Shauffer was on NPR's Nation - "A Closer Look: Kids in Court" May 23,...

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May 12, 2008


She Turned Her Life Around – Incarceration Spurs Change

By Jennifer Gentile  |  The Reporter  — Amanda Bell's life as a young adult was on a downward spiral....

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May 5, 2008


Youth Law Center Profiled in Final Haigh-Scatena Report

The Youth Law Center is one of the grantees profiled in the final Haigh-Scatena Foundation...

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