Youth Law Center News and Events

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532 Results Found

July 2, 2015

Court of Appeal Reverses Disposition for Immigrant Youth

The California Court of Appeal has reversed and remanded a juvenile court disposition that ordered a...

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June 2, 2015


Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court

YLC staff attorney Sue Burrell’s article, “Collateral  Consequences of Juvenile Court: Boulders on the Road...

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May 22, 2015


CECANF Works Toward Development of a National Strategy

The Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities (CECANF), established by the Protect Our Kids Act...

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May 22, 2015

CA Supreme Court Finds Youth Incompetent to Stand Trial

On May 18, 2015, the California Supreme Court announced its decision in In re R.V.,...

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May 1, 2015


President Obama Names May 2015 National Foster Care Month

Recognizing that “Children are best raised in families, not institutions,” President Barak Obama on April...

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May 1, 2015

Pepper Spray Use Halted in Santa Clara County Juvenile Hall

On April 20, 2015 YLC celebrated the end of a Santa Clara County Probation Department...

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April 20, 2015

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CDSS Fails to Properly Investigate Group Homes

An investigation by ProPublica has found that the California Department of Social Services fails to...

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April 17, 2015

The California Senate Judiciary Committee Approves SB 12

The California Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved  SB 12 on April 14, 2015.  SB 12 is...

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April 16, 2015

YLC Co-Sponsors Bill to Extend Foster Care Benefits

Youth Law Center and the Alliance for Children Rights have co-sponsored SB 12, a bill...

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March 28, 2015


YLC Reduces Group Care in Florida

YLC is partnering with foster families, foster youth and other advocates to support new Florida...

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March 11, 2015

YLC Challenges Juvenile Court Order Turning Youth Over to ICE

The Youth Law Center has applied for leave to file an amicus brief in a...

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March 3, 2015

YLC Urges Additional Protections for Immigrant Children

YLC and the Center for Children’s Law and Policy (CCLP) have submitted comments on Prison...

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