Youth Law Center News and Events

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532 Results Found

January 5, 2017


Former Unsung Hero Recognized

Youth Law Center is proud to have recognized Tung Nguyen in 2013 as one of...

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November 28, 2016


YLC Helps End Placement Disruption for Crossover Youth

The Youth Law Center successfully advocated for the issuance of clarifying guidance by the California...

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November 10, 2016

Victory: Prop 57 Abolishes Direct File in Adult Court

After years of advocacy to eliminate the practice of prosecutors directly filing juvenile cases in...

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November 10, 2016


YLC to Honor Unsung Heroes on December 12, 2016

Each year the Youth Law Center recognizes people who have made a difference in the...

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October 5, 2016


New Law Protects Foster Youth from Unfair Detention

The Youth Law Center is pleased that Governor Brown has signed AB 2813 by Assemblymember...

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October 5, 2016

Victory for Youth Exiting Foster Care

On September 25, Governor Brown signed into law AB 1849 by Assemblymember Mike Gipson.  This...

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October 1, 2016

Trauma Screening Bill for At-Risk Children Vetoed

Governor Brown dealt a serious set-back to children in foster care in vetoing SB 1466,...

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October 1, 2016

Governor Vetoes Bill Limiting Use of Out of State Group Homes

Youth Law Center is disappointed by the Governor’s veto of AB 2005, as we believe...

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September 24, 2016


Bill Signed to Remove Graduation Barriers for At-Risk Youth

On September 22, 2016, Governor Brown signed into law AB 2306 by Assemblyman Jim Frazier,...

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September 23, 2016


Federal Court Questions Detention of Immigrant Youth

YLC was of counsel on a recent motion to enforce the settlement agreement in Flores...

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September 23, 2016


YLC Works to Ensure Trauma Screening for At-Risk Youth

Childhood trauma is the leading public health issue of our time and one that disproportionately...

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September 22, 2016

Urge Governor Brown to Sign AB 2005

Urge the Governor to sign AB 2005 so California can have more informed and careful...

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