April 5, 2010

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New YTFG Publication!

In an effort to strengthen philanthropic investments among its membership, the Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG) asked a group of policy experts to provide recommendations on how foundations can work to encourage effective policy solutions on issues affecting youth in transition to adulthood.

The issue brief, Connected by 25: Effective Policy Solutions for Vulnerable Youth, offers a summary of those recommendations, focusing on four primary transition points that often threaten the ability for youth to be connected by age 25 to the institutions and support systems that help them succeed throughout life.

Full Issue Brief
Click here for the full brief if you are looking for a “deep dive” on policy solutions.

Executive Summary
Click here for an executive summary that hones in on the key points from the full brief.

Brief Highlights
Click here for the one-page, to-the-point highlights of the full brief.