July 28, 2021

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New YLC resources on COVID-19 economic aid for youth and families

Youth Law Center has recently developed a series of resources related to the various economic benefits available as a result of the Covid19 pandemic, and specifically how and when those benefits are accessible to populations including current and formerly systems involved youth and young adults, foster and resource parents, kinship families and young people in detention settings. Check out our new resources below.

TAY Pandemic Funding Maximization MatrixLeveraging Covid19 Aid for Transition Aged Youth
Transitionaged youth continue to face challenges during the pandemic and recovery. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan have provided an array of funds and benefits, however, many young people and their advocates are not aware of all that is available for transition aged youth and young adults. This matrix provides an inventory of some of the key funds, benefits and programs that transition aged youth may benefit from. This list includes benefits for young people with experience in foster care as well as those who are not system involved. We hope that it will help you access concrete resources for individual young people and advocate for the development of programs and services for transition aged youth.

Resource, Foster and Kinship Families & the Child Tax Credit (CTC)
Many resource, foster and kinship families are either unaware of, or given incorrect information about, their ability to access the new federal child tax credit as a result of caring for children in their homes. This resource provides basic information about the CTC which we hope will assist both families and their advocates to receive the benefit amounts to which they are entitled.

FAQ: Chafee Cash Card Eligibility & Distribution for Young People in Juvenile Detention, Juvenile Justice Placements or Who are Incarcerated or in Detention in the Adult System
This frequently asked questions resource is intended to clarify both eligibility for and logistical access to Chafee pandemic relief funds in California for young people in a variety of detention settings. It is important for advocates to be aware that many young people who are currently detained are still eligible for these funds, but may need assistance applying.