April 27, 2022

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New YLC Report Finds Rampant Abuse in TN Facility

YLC’s new investigative report with Disability Rights Tennessee exposes the inhumane and abusive treatment of children and youth in the Wilder Youth Development Center In Tennessee. Conditions at Wilder are dangerous, deplorable and inexcusable. Over the course of YLC and DRT’s investigation into Wilder, we found evidence of physical, mental, and sexual abuse; delays in medical treatment; and violations of federal disability laws. The Department of Children’s Services (DCS) is not providing the supports and services youth need to become healthy and productive adults. The entire youth justice system across Tennessee is designed to fail. Wilder, and the other lock-down facilities like it, have become a dangerous dumping group, especially for black and brown youth and those with disabilities. We are calling on DCS to undergo a transformation to an entirely new approach that works to help vulnerable youth. Research shows us that youth are better served with community-based alternatives that have a proven track for both prevention and successful rehabilitation programs.

You can view the full report here.

You can view the full press release here.

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