March 9, 2021


New advocacy resource to support stability of youth tenants in THP-Plus

Youth Law Center and Bay Area Legal Aid have created a new resource that we hope will be useful to your advocacy. Ensuring Stability and Success for Youth Tenants in THP-Plus was developed to help civil legal advocates initiate capacity-building conversations about transition planning with THP-Plus providers and the county agencies that oversee them. THP-Plus is a transitional program for former foster youth that provides eligible young people with a housing subsidy, in addition to supportive services administered by contracted nonprofit agencies or by counties directly. This tool helps build shared language and knowledge around THP-Plus agencies’ transition planning duties under state regulations and state and federal housing and antidiscrimination law. It also makes recommendations for how THP-Plus agencies can establish strong working relationships with THP-Plus participants, to further support them in achieving their goals.

For more information about youth tenants’ rights in THP-Plus, the Youth Law Center’s publication “Preventing Involuntary Exits from THP-Plus: An Advocacy Guide” is available here:

Whether you specialize in housing law, youth law, or another area of advocacy, we hope that this new resource arms you with additional information and strategies to prevent homelessness among vulnerable young adults.