November 10, 2020


New Advocacy Guide: Preventing Involuntary Exits from Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus)

Youth Law Center has created a new resource that we hope will be useful to your advocacy. Preventing Involuntary Exits from Transitional Housing Program-Plus (THP-Plus) was developed after young adults reported being exited prematurely from their transitional housing programs, sometimes without notice or proper process. In THP-Plus, a transitional program for former foster youth, a quarter of program exits are involuntary. Our new advocacy guide summarizes the legal protections that young adults have–both as former foster youth and as tenants–to remain in THP-Plus and stay housed. The guide also contains advocacy checklists, practice scenarios, and links to other relevant resources.

Whether you specialize in housing law, youth law, or another area of advocacy, we hope that this guide arms you with additional information and strategies to prevent homelessness among vulnerable young adults. Please share this resource with your colleagues and contact us with questions or feedback. As always, let us know if there is anything else YLC may be able to do to support your advocacy, especially during these challenging times.