November 1, 2013


Medi-Cal for Former Foster Youth Project

The Youth Law Center has launched a project to ensure that former foster youth are able to get comprehensive, affordable health care coverage.   Access to health insurance is critical in supporting a healthy transition to adulthood for thousands of young adults transitioning out of foster care.  Many of these youth have ongoing special health care needs as a result of abuse or neglect, and all of them need access to regular medical and dental care.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) recognizes that young adults may have difficulty obtaining health care coverage on their own, and that the cost of coverage can interfere with plans for college or embarking on a career.  As a result, the ACA permits young adults to remain on their parents’ health insurance until the age of 26.  For youth who emancipate from foster care and do not have access to health insurance through their parents, the ACA provides continued coverage through Medicaid.

YLC will work with Foster Youth in Action, California Youth Connection, Children NOW, and a broad range of individuals and organizations in California to ensure that former foster youth are aware of and able to access this important health care coverage.   Resources and information will be posted on the YLC website and available through   The Youth Law Center’s work is made possible through the generous support of the Walter S. Johnson Foundation.