June 16, 2008


Kids Count Data Book Available

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 19th annual Kids Count Data Book is now available. The annual Data Book is a national and state-by-state profile of the well-being of America’s children that seeks to enrich discussions concerning ways to secure better futures for all kids. The Data Book ranks states on 10 key measures and provides data on the economic, health, education, and social conditions of America’s children and families. This year, the Kids Count Data Book essay, “A Road Map for Juvenile Justice Reform,” looks at the nearly 100,000 children confined to juvenile facilities on any given night in the United States, and what can be done to reduce unnecessary and inappropriate detention and incarceration and increase opportunities for positive youth development and community safety. 2008 KIDS COUNT DATA Book Now Available: http://www.aecf.org/kidscount/sld/databook.jsp