September 9, 2020


Just Released: Advocacy Tool for Juvenile Justice Transformation

The Youth Law Center is pleased to announce the launch of our new project, Juvenile Justice Transformation: Navigating the Legal Landscape. This project provides maps of key delinquency laws in California to help advance efforts to transform the juvenile justice system.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made this information and our work to end incarceration of children even more crucial. Detention poses heightened risks to children’s physical and mental health during this public emergency. Advocates can use the below maps to identify ways to minimize youth contact with the delinquency system, helping to reduce exposure to the coronavirus and to keep families together in this time of crisis.

Our project consists of seven legal “maps” of the juvenile delinquency system. These maps were designed to provide accurate, clear legal information to youth and families, advocates, and professionals who are working on systems change. Each map is accessible through the interactive websites linked below and includes a downloadable PDF format. Our resources cover the following topics:

We are grateful to our project funders, California Funders for Boys & Men of Color and the Zellerbach Family Foundation. Any feedback would be appreciated and can be sent to

We hope that you will find these resources useful as we work together to promote health and wellbeing for all youth.