January 22, 2020


Jennifer Rodriguez honored as 2020 REFCA Champion

We are so excited to share that Re-Envisioning Foster Care in America Movement: Treehouse Foundation has honored Jennifer Rodriguez, YLC’s Executive Director, as one of the 2020 REFCA Champions! This special award highlights foster care alumni who are innovators in transforming the way we care for our nation’s most vulnerable young people. We at YLC are so very grateful for Jennifer’s creative leadership and unwavering dedication to our vision, and we are so proud to work alongside Treehouse in making sure every child and youth is loved and celebrated. More from Jennifer below.

“It means a lot to me to be honored as an innovator in transforming foster care in America by Judy and Treehouse because we share the same goal and vision: every child and youth loved, honored and seen as the special being they are.

It’s a real gift to do this work… For the past 2 decades I’ve gotten to push, shove, and cheerlead the system towards a reality and standard that I know a lot of people think is a fairy tale and can’t even imagine.

Not just stopping abuse, but creating childhoods. Not just a bed to sleep in, but a loving family to grow up in. Not just classes, services and checks but dreams, experiences and community. Not just some token feedback or role but true leadership and power. Not just rights but freedom.

Being thrown away in institutions as a kid lowered my standards then about what I deserved, but now I’m older and wiser. These are the same things I treasure for my two kids so I’m just never going to accept any less for my brothers and sisters in foster care and juvenile justice .

Getting to work every day with and for young people is such a precious privilege…I am so grateful so many of them have shared and taught me their wildest dreams and fears and have trusted me to work to make those things happen.”
~ Jennifer Rodriguez – Executive Director, Youth Law Center
2020 Re-Envisioning Foster Care in America Champion