March 9, 2011


Foster Care Benefits Listserv for Advocates and Attorneys

YLC has launched a foster care benefits listserv in collaboration with the Alliance for Children’s Rights, Bay Area Legal Aid, and the Benchmark Institute. The focus of the Listserv is benefits for children involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice system, including not only cash benefits like AFDC-FC (foster Care benefits), Adoption Assistance Payments (AAP), Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payments (Kin-GAP), CalWORKs and SSI for children in foster care, but also Medicaid/Medi-Cal, Education, Special Education and other things children who are in out-of-home care need. Membership is open to attorneys and other advocates who represent children and families. If you are interested in applying to participate, please email Alice Bussiere,; Brian Blalock,; or Angie Schwartz, A.Schwartz@KIDS-ALLIANCE.ORG.