Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI)
Empowering Teens in Foster Care
Bridging Developmental Science, Advocacy, and Philanthropy to Improve the Lives of Teens in Foster Care
The Youth Law Center’s Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) has teamed up with the Andrus Family Fund, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the Manuel D. & Rhoda Mayerson Foundation, and the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust to drive new advocacy efforts focused on improving the lives of teenagers in foster care.
This initiative by the Youth Law Center and its partners in science, academia, and philanthropy highlights a crucial effort to empower teens in foster care by bridging developmental research and practical system changes. Through incorporating insights from youth, families, and practitioners with science, this advocacy project aims to address critical gaps in support during adolescence and the transition to adulthood.
In 2025, researchers, enriched by input from youth and families, will share their findings with leaders, policymakers, and practitioners to ensure policy and practice supports teens to thrive, discover their potential, and make a positive impact in their communities, both during adolescence and as they transition to adulthood.
Youth Law Center Hosts Convening of Adolescent Development Researchers and Individuals with Lived Experience

In October, the Youth Law Center hosted a significant convening in Minnesota that brought together youth who had experienced foster care as teenagers, along with foster parents, birth parents, and relatives who have parented teens in foster care. The multi-generational group conducted an in-depth review of a draft paper, developed from a February convening of leading national researchers on healthy adolescent development. Drawing on their lived experiences, the participants offered valuable, practical guidance on how foster care systems can apply the research findings to improve policies and practices.

Key recommendations included how policy and practice must change by:
- Supporting effective parenting for teens in foster care.
- Fostering autonomy (not just independence) for teens.
- Strengthening teens’ relationships with important individuals.
- Uplifting racial identity and cultural connections.
- Supporting educational transitions and participation in extracurricular activities.
- Addressing the biological need for adequate sleep for teens.
These insights are crucial for creating a foster care system that better supports the developmental needs of teenagers and helps them thrive during this important stage of life.

2024 Quality Parenting Initiative Champions Conference Focuses on Advocacy for Teens in Foster Care

The National Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) Champions conference in San Diego in November focused on advocacy for teens in foster care by exploring ways to apply the findings from adolescent development research to child welfare systems. During the conference, 200 members from our total national network of 700 local QPI community advocates received training to support their ongoing work leading child-development informed change in their communities. The QPI Champions also received some of the early project findings and recommendations to enhance their advocacy efforts for teens in foster care.
The training featured insights from two key project researchers, Dr. Andrew Fuligni from the UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent and Dr. Wendy Grolnick from Clark University, as well as a panel of participants from the lived experience convening that took place in October in Minnesota. The QPI Champions then worked to design action steps aimed at changing policies and practices, including:
- Building youth autonomy into the placement process and providing additional initial tools to help form strong relationships between caregivers and youth.
- Clarifying prudent parent policies to integrate developmental principles, helping caregivers support youth in taking healthy risks.
- Supporting caregivers in creating plans that prioritize healthy sleep for teens in foster care.
These actions are a first step toward making meaningful changes that better meet the developmental needs of teens in foster care, helping them thrive and succeed.
Annual Quality Parenting Initiative Elevate and Celebrate Event to Recognize Advocates for Foster Care Across the Country

The annual QPI Elevate and Celebrate event will take place this Thursday, December 12, and recognizes individuals across the country who embody QPI’s mission of prioritizing love, relationships, and parenting for children in care. The event is virtual and will begin at 11 am PT/Noon MT/1 pm CT/2 pm ET, and free registration is available at this link: https://ylcqpi.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vCxddJRRT3q-q0g1EuIyeA#/registration.
Patrick Rose of Fresno, CA is one of the 2024 honorees and you may learn more about him here: https://www.ylc.org/12-6-2024-fresno-man-honored-for-improving-foster-care-services/.