March 31, 2016

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CECANF Releases Final Report

The Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities (CECANF)  has released its final recommendations for developing a national strategy to reduce fatalities resulting from child abuse and neglect. The report outlines 10 recommendations to help organizations and communities implement a strategic response to protect children at high risk of fatality from abuse or neglect.

CECANF  was established by the Protect Our Kids Act of 2012 and is composed of 12 members, six appointed by the president and six appointed by Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate.  Beginning in 2014, it began a two year process of holding public hearings in 11 jurisdictions to hear from state leaders, local and tribal leaders, child protection and safety staff, advocates, parents and more.  This report is a result of these efforts. YLC Executive Director Jennifer Rodriguez sits on the Commission.


Fact Sheet with Recommendations

Letter from Jennifer Rodriguez, Commissioner