May 17, 2019


CA Assembly Bill 1354 (Gipson) moves to Assembly floor for floor vote!

California Assembly Bill 1354, which will provide oversight of education transitions for youth leaving juvenile facilities to return to their communities, came off the Assembly Appropriations Committee suspense file on May 16, 2019 and is moving to the Assembly floor for a floor vote. This bill, authored by Assembly Member Mike Gipson, also would require the County Offices of Education to develop and implement transition plans for youth who have been attending a juvenile court school for 20+ consecutive days. Transitions are a vulnerable time for these youth, a time when if they don’t get support to enroll in school back in their community, they may drop out altogether. Transition plans and oversight by the County Office of Education will help ensure that transitions go smoothly for these youth and that they re-enroll in school quickly, get placed in the appropriate courses, and receive credit for the work they completed in the court school. Youth Law Center partnered closely with the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association to fine-tune the bill, which faces no opposition as it moves to the Assembly floor.